Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Do you have a blue dot?

One of the things that I loved most about White House was getting the city paper each week. I loved reading about the new things coming to town, events taking place, and also that they listed who got arrested that week. Ha! Since moving to H'ville I've missed getting a city paper even though I knew they had one. Well I was talking to my friend Beth the other day and she told me how to get one....you need a blue dot on your mailbox! Apparently you just have to go by Star News, request a blue dot, and they'll start delivering your paper for free. It's funny because before she told me that I never noticed the dots on the mailboxes but since then I see them ALL the time. I have yet to get my dot but I'm going to soon. Do you have a blue dot?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no I don't. But I need to get one! You get your Sunday Walgreen's paper early, so you can match up what you need earlier!