Friday, August 29, 2008


Have you seen Krissy? Me either!! but Gracie sees and talks to her ALL THE TIME! At first I thought she was just talking about her doll named Krissy but then I realized that, no, Krissy goes everywhere with us. It was actually quite funny the other day we were at the store and Gracie said 'stop mom, Krissy has to get in the buggy with us". Krissy also goes to the doctor, to school, or anywhere else Gracie thinks of "taking" her. The next time you see Gracie ask her about Krissy. Do any of your kids have imaginary friends?


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

We haven't had imaginary friends for awhile but Munchkin used to have a bunch. At about 3 if you ever saw her touching her head over and over and over and over again...she was putting all of her children on her head so they wouldn't get lost. That lasted a few months and kind of worried me but she grew out of it. :)

Susan said...

Neither one of my boys had imaginary friends but they would make up people in imaginary play when they would be playing with their action figures. I think that's cute she has "krissy." :)

Anita J. said...

My daughter had an imaginary friend, but I can't remember what she called her. It was so sweet until she started saying she was scared of the friend, then it was time for the friend to go.

Heather said...

That's funny. Emma's imaginary friends are Tom and Jerry, yes the cat and the mouse. She loves them!
She will tell me to wait to close the van door until they have gotten in! She cracks me up. that is so cute that she has krissy, although I don't think I have ever heard Gracie speak, ever!

Beckie said...

Julia had an imaginary friend named Courtney for about a year. I thought it was cute and went along with it. She had the friend when we moved away for a year. I think it was a security thing for her.

Miriam Naomi Brant said...

My niece Cora has "sister". She is an only child and "sister" has to go everywhere with them. She even saves a place for her at the table! Too cute!