Monday, August 11, 2008

What or Where

Twinkle, twinkle little star
how I wonder (what/where) you are

Help me out people, which is it? Jeremy and I sing it differently and it has become a huge debate at our house. How do you sing it at your house?


Susan said...

I've always sung it "what". But I could be wrong. :)

Anonymous said...

The correct way is What, that is how it is written in the "text books." But ya'll can be like the Stamper Family and make up your own version! I'm a pro at that!

Anonymous said...

It is of course what! You can see where it is... I hope I'm siding with you and not Jeremy! :) I'm not wrong.... :) look here and here and here - debate solved?

Anonymous said...

it's "what"

Sarah said...

HA! it cracks me up that I've gotten such a response. Not to brag but I knew I was right!!! :):)

Anonymous said...

what you are.....:)

Amy said...

we say "what." BTW, We just had a big debate in our house over the tomato. Denver was convinced it is a veggie...but I knew it's technically a fruit.'s great to be right! ;0)

Anonymous said...

Jane Wilkerson and I think it is "what you are"

-holla, Susan G.

Anita J. said...

"What" in this house too. Doesn't the song establish the where in the next line?