Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Is it bad...

that my 3 year old knows it's Target just by their symbol? I had pulled up the Target website the other day to double check their sale on diapers before heading to the store and as soon as it came up Gracie said "Target. That's Target!" No she can't read but she pointed to the header where the little red circles where and knew exactly what they stood for. Maybe we should try some different stores! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everett too, and he's still two! He knows Target, Kroger, Cracker Barrell, McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc etc. Jason's done a lot of studying on this, but it's called "branding", and most two year olds know thousands of "brands". Barna has reports on it that relates it to Christianity. Just that we have to be just as intentional in the church about "branding" our children with Jesus as commercial businesses are. I know that's more of an answer than you wanted, but it's insanely interesting when you get into it.