Monday, March 24, 2008

Updating #2

Random pictures: (no they aren't in order and the dates aren't right either)

Gracie's 3rd birthday. We had her party just a week after moving into the house. This was the first time she had a party with her friends, normally it's just family

SNOW DAY! This was actually the first snow day we had. Gracie really liked playing in it but Carleigh thought it was too cold. We only stayed out for a little bit, long enough for Gracie to make her first snow angel.

Carleigh's first shiner. Apparently the girls were playing on the bed (I wasn't home) and collided heads...this is what appeared.

I just loved these pictures and wanted to share them. The girls love it when daddy gives them a bath because he fills the tub with bubbles. I just try to get them in and out without getting too much water on the floor. :)

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