Monday, August 13, 2007

PT Boot Camp Day 1

Today started PT (potty training) boot camp for Gracie, although she's not really aware that is what it is!! :) In the last few weeks she has been asking several times a day about going to school. She even gets my purse and keys and tries to go out of the door to the car saying she's going to school. I figured with as much trying as she's doing that it would be good leverage to get her to be fully potty trained, so today was the beginning! I told her that once she learns to go pee pee and poo poo on the potty like a big girl then she can go to school. Hey so far it seems to be working! She only had 2 accidents today and 1 was during her nap. We'll continue and hopefully in the next week or so I'll have a fully potty trained child!! Wow! That's weird even to type. :)


Anonymous said...

Raygan, great day today, only two accidents, both #2's! Maybe these two will catch on this week! Go Gracie!

Anonymous said...

Yeeeaaahhh! Good Luck! Pray for patience. She'll get it. I just hope you have her enrolled in school!>!>!>!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am so happy one down one to go until we are diaper free. Cody is well on his way!