Tuesday, September 4, 2007


why is that it takes my 2 year old 3 hours to fall asleep for a hopefully 2 hour but more realistic 1 hour nap? I start out trying to be understanding...maybe she does have to go pee pee (even though this is the only time of day it even crosses her mind), ok so she has to blow her nose, and get a baby, and another baby, and so on and so on. She can get very creative and honestly I start feeling like all I've done all day is spank her. Oh and yes, I did even try laying down with her but she's so squirmy that I get tired of having her feet ALL over my body. Any suggestions??


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Stick her in there, tell her it is rest time and shut the door. Munchkin has not napped since she was about 2. No matter what I did to her or took away she still wouldn't do it. She just doesn't need as much sleep. That is usually her tv time.

Anonymous said...

I like Karen's idea!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, those phases that keep us on our toes! McKinley is stauling at bedtime now too - says she "needs to poop for a little while." At first we'd always let her go cause I don't want to discourage her but now I fight with her "NO" and try to get her mind onto something else so I can put her down.

But in a big-girl bed, what to do? Maybe you could just let her pick two books & two babies to read to and close her door then hope for the best. Cross your fingers and pray this is a phase and she'll go back to napping well.

Brea said...

Make her nap...trust me...my boys still nap and they are 5. It is a phase...I promise. BUT...MANY GIVE IN AND GIVE UP AND THEN THEY WON'T NAP AGAIN!!

Make her lay there and eventually she will figure out that yes, you are the mommy and are in complete control b/c right now she is thinking she can still win (she can't!)

While she is still in this phase, find a stiff drink (just kidding) and a corner to rock in. HAVE FUN!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

After a month if she is still in her "phase" and you are battling her for 3 hours a day to get her to nap only to fall asleep after 3 hours of repeatedly getting her back into her bed, spanking her or taking things away then decide she is ready for rest time instead of nap time. For those of us with active children that would never even sleep in the car it was not a "phase". We discovered that it was far easier to get her into bed at night when she hadn't had a nap then when she did. If it is a phase more power to you. I hope she naps.

Anonymous said...

Get a gate....that teaches a small lesson called "boundaries". Very essential to ever having what I like to call "mommy time". You may not be able to make her sleep, but you can make her recognize that she can't come out of her room until "mommy time" is over! Ha....I know it sounds simple. But it worked for my kids. They all finally got the idea that I wasn't coming to the gate. I could of course see them, see that they were fine, and I could still sit and relax, read, or sleep if I needed. You gotta have some time without them. Even if they're just in the next room. They'll actually come to enjoy their "room time" each day. And oftentimes, you'll find them asleep in the toy pile!

I have limited credibility in this department...ha! But with three kids at ages 8, 4, and 20 mths. and all understand and obey room time rules......something worked and I can have about 1-2 hours a day without anyone needing me!! It became an essential part of my day! And will most likely be in observance in the Horton home until age 18. And then at Holidays when they come visit!

P.S. I don't use the gate on Emma and Hannah....obviously! Only Will needs the physical barrier anymore!! Just in case you were wondering! Hardy, har, har.


Brea said...

you know what Karen, you are right. Some kids just aren't nappers and I am sorry I said that ALL kids go through a stage, cause that just isn't true. There are absolutely days that if my kids were to take a nap they would never go to sleep. THANKS for giving me a slight kick in the pants...I HATE when people group every situation into only ONE category and guess what? That is exactly what I did. Shame on me...

Sarah: how's the napping/resting/wishing she were unconcious going?

Anonymous said...

Just give her a big dose of Benadryl about 30 minutes before nap time. That usually makes them drowsy. That strategy may be on the borderline of "bad parenting," but it's not as bad as killing your child because they won't give you some space.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Thanks Brea for being understanding. My response came out much harsher than I meant it too. Sorry about that! :)