Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Naps...part 2

Wow! Thank you to everyone who sent me suggestions...i am taking several of them an tweaking them to fit our family. First I should confess and say that part of the problem is that i just wasn't ready for her to give up her morning nap. Yes she's 2 1/2 but i just wasn't ready. i enjoyed that time of day when both of my girls were napping and I had some peace and quiet all to myself. So now I am bowing down, letting her stay up more, and only asking for 1 nap a day. It seems to be working. Carleigh still has 2 naps (YIPPEE!) so once she gets up from her morning nap we are having lunch, the girls play some, and then I lay both of them down for an afternoon nap. Carleigh goes to sleep easily most of the time but I have also incorporated it being "quiet time" for Gracie instead of nap time. I set a timer on the stove for her and tell her that she has to lay down until the timer goes off. Before I know it she's off to sleep and yes I turn the timer off so it doesn't wake her up. Even if she doesn't sleep at least she's had some time to rest and chill out some....this is normally when I eat lunch!!!

I should probably also get some gates for during the day use. with the layout of our house it is very hard for me to get anything done without one of the girls being under my feet. Hence the need for nap time!

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