Sunday, June 24, 2007


Yes now i have another award I can add to my list this week..."worst wife". As I went out to the garage this morning to change over the laundry I heard a clinking noise as I took pieces of clothing out of the washing machine. That's not terribly uncommon at our house as Jeremy leaves nuts and bolts from work in his pockets all the time but this time it wasn't nuts and bolts. No my friends it was his iPod shuffle. ARRRRR! I'm not sure yet if it's salvageable or not, the earphones are a complete lose, but I guess it just goes with the past couple of weeks I've been having. Oh well it's just stuff in the grand scheme of things!!


Anonymous said...

Dude!, I would be lost without my iPod! Poor Jeremy, Matt would have had me BEHIND!!
But your right, it is after all just stuff! And at least it is not the most expensive one out there! Just let Jeremy do a few more jobs at our house and he will have the money to buy another one!:)

Mike Warren said...

I can imagine about five different remarks that Jeremy will have for you but ultimately if you leave stuff in your pockets then you are submitting them for possible extermination.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, yeah those things not mine left in pants that aren't mine, well they aren't my responsibility! As my daddy always said, "You gonna be dumb you gotta be tough!"

Anonymous said...


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

All I have to say is if he left it in his pocket it is his own darn fault!

Anonymous said...

Oh No!!!! Mike would have been so bummed out, but if it was left there who would know to look before the wash. Just one of those spilled milk things...can't cry / gotta move on. :)