Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mommy to Mommy

Well I've decided that this is going to be the title of regular blog posts where moms (and dads) can share their insight on a variety of subjects. We all know parenthood is hard but having others who have already been through or going through what we are makes it a little easier. With that said here's the next topic:

Yes I know this can be a sensitive subject for some and in NO way am I trying to be divisive but I want feedback. Lately I'm hearing of more and more people choosing to home school their kids and since I don't have school age kids yet I'm curious if I'm missing something. I guess for me personally I go back to the childhood song "This Little Light of Mine" where it talks about hiding it under a basket and again personally this is what I feel I'd be doing if I home schooled my kids. However I know there are different circumstances in every family so here's the question:

1. Where do your kids go to school? public, private, home
2.What was the basis for that decision?
3. Where did you go to school?

1 comment:

TinyJr said...

1. Home

2. Katie had it put on her heart. We discussed it. Read books. But mostly, cause we realized kids tend to pick up very bad habits and attitudes when they are trained by kids their own age. They need their parents, at least for the majority of childhood, to be their trainer.

3. I was homeschooled some, private school mostly, and a slight stint in public school! (recommend public vs small private school!)