Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Great sale for a Great cause

If you have been reading for any length of time you know that I am friends with the ultimate bargain people. However I have to give props where props are due and let you know that Brea (yes I talk about her alot) knows how to do it right. Not only is she now a CVS queen, she is THE queen of garage sales. This girl can find anything at a great price. Can you say $2 Longaberger?
Not only though does she know how to go "junking" as she calls it, she knows how to have a sale. THIS Friday and Saturday is your chance to see what I mean...the ulimate garage sale!!! You can read her post here for some of the things that she will have but she is still having things donated so there's no telling what treasures you'll find. All monies made will go into their adoption fund as they pray about adding another Freeman to the crew. Please help me get the word out about this sale and be sure to stop by if you can!!!

**Just to wet your taste buds there is already planned mulitple racks of NEW WITH TAGS GYMBOREE ($4 each) and boutique clothing as well as used clothing ($1). You can search Craigslist for "adoption yard sale" for directions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so great to chat with you at Target last night. I went this morning and got a lot of great deals!
Amy Williams