Please excuse as I get on a soap box for a moment. I try not to do this too often (unless you REALLY know me and then, well....) but for some reason I feel the need to share my thoughts on this subject. We are currently 27 days away from what may be the biggest presidential election I will ever vote on and surprisingly enough there are some key issues not being discussed.
I understand that the economy isn't looking good however if you go back and look at
the history of the nation's economy you will see that it is more of a cycle than the recession everyone seems to be harping on. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be concerned but I am saying that we're not guaranteed tomorrow so lets be good stewards of what God is giving us TODAY. Even with the the lose we've seen over the last 2 weeks we are still a rich nation, lets be grateful for that. The other thing that really irks me is the fact that all the financial mess is resting on Bush and the Republican party. Am I the only one that realizes #1) we may have been doing well financially before Bush took office but that was also prior to 9/11 and # 2)we have a democratic Congress. If they didn't support it, they're the majority~it shouldn't have passed.
I also understand that energy is a big issue not to mention the war. Both of these are key areas that need to be addressed. In terms of the war, does it really matter when we pull out or does it matter more if we win? No, it doesn't seem that we sent our troops to the right area first however they are still fighting for our freedom and we should support them. And yes we do need to find alternative means for energy for our kids futures.
But here are the topics that are being over looked in this election.....
1)abortion. This is still a big issue in our country, has anyone looked to see how these 2 men have voted on the issue? Here's another question that I just recently thought of...why is it that a doctor only has to have a mother's permission to terminate pregnancy? Yes it is her body but that baby is not solely hers. I know that opens a whole new can of worms when it comes to rape, incest, medically but it is something to ponder on.
2)social security/Medicare. To most that are reading this it may not seem to be a big topic because retirement age isn't close at hand but what about your parents? What about those Americans that are mentally ill already getting benefits or will need benefits? Have you ever checked to see what it will cost if you were to have to make the decision to put a loved one in a nursing home? Is it fair that the generations that have built this country to what it is now may not be taken care of in the future?
To be honest I don't know the answers to all of these questions or how to solve all of the nations problems however I do know this...we seem to care more about what our bank accounts say than the well-being of our neighbors. My heart has been so heavy lately worrying about the future but the Lord has clearly said...TRUST ME!! It doesn't matter who ends up in the White House, God is still on His throne and He is in control.