Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

Welcome 2009!! I will have to say that 2008 was a very eventful year and one that will most likely go down as a favorite, however I am so ready for 2009. It seems like last year there always seemed to be something new happening and it wasn't always with my family but nonetheless it was what I will fondly remember as the year of change.

Now on to 2009!! It is sort of hard to believe that it's already here but as the saying goes the older you get the faster life goes. In the last couple of weeks I've been pondering what my resolutions would be and here's what I decided...I'm not going to have resolutions but goals. You see if I have a resolution to lose 10 pounds and only make 9 I've failed, but if it's a goal I sure did come really close and won't be as discouraged to keep trying. I know that may sound crazy but hey it's another Sarahism I suppose!!

So here they are, my goals for particular order

#1-get in the Word more. I'm going to use this GREAT blog and hopefully some butt kicking to make sure to achieve this one!

#2-get off the computer!! This one will probably be really hard for me so I expect some butt kicking but hey if I want to do anything else I MUST leave cyber world.

#3-play with my kids. Honestly I'm not sure I really know how to play but I'm going to learn. I anticipate going to the library for story time, going to the zoo, going to the Discovery place in the Boro, etc.

#4-have at least monthly dates with Jeremy. This is something we've really failed at but hope this year to turn it around...anyone have any great suggestions on places to go or things to do?

#5-lose 20 pounds...don't we all have one of these? Normally I wouldn't think so much about it but this year is my 10 year reunion and although I'm not sure if I'll go or not it makes for a good goal.

well I think that about sums it up...what about you? Any resolutions/goals this year?


Heather said...

you and Jeremy could come to Houston for a date night or weekend. I'm with you on losing the weight, we are going to the beach and I refuse to go looking like this. Had fun the other night, sorry we had to bail early!! Your stuff is at my mom's house, I will call you and work out out to get it to you!

Anonymous said...

# 3 will be your most rewarding! That was my goal last year. However, we never left the house, instead we played with crayons, hide and seek, pretend, and my favorite...we would curl up in bed in the middle of the day and just talk. It amazed me what questions and answers they had to life's problems. I wish you a Happy New Year!
(By the way I think your bod is helped give life to those children...cherish each little roll that they created)

Anonymous said...

girl you look great just the way you are, you are so beautiful! You look great.
My goal for the new year's was to get MacKenzie out of her Bassinet (thanks Brea), and into the Crib. She was by my side for 3 weeks and I decided the 4th week she needed to be by herself, so we could sleep better. Her room is directly across from mine, so I can still hear every grunt and cue.
Mom life has been a traumatic change, but I love it! 15 diapers a day, lots of butt paste:0) 40 ounces of milk, and triple the laundry.
Hope to see you around at church. Take care girl.
Love ya,
Maggie S.