Thursday, January 8, 2009


Can I just tell you that I love the age Gracie is at. There are times that she tries to get a little sassy (no idea where she gets that!) but then she says the FUNNIEST things. Here is the conversation we had in the van after picking her up and getting the car washed.

G: Where are we going?
Me:Goodwill to take the box of clothes I forgot to take this morning.
G:Where's Mean-will?
Me:thinking...oh honey there is no mean Will there's just Goodwill. (trying hard not to die laughing)

drive in and drop off box...driving out
G:Was that Goodwill's house?
Me:yes that was Goodwill
G:which one of them was Will? The one with brown hair or blonde hair?
Me: there's not a Will, it's Goodwill..a store, like Target and Wal-Mart
G:Where's Badwill?
Me:There's not a Badwill just a Goodwill

G:so we have 2 Wills...Laura's Will and Goodwill

Oh how I love that little girl!!!


Anonymous said...

How funny! I love those conversations too. I'm getting withdrawals from not seeing them.


Anonymous said...

How sweet. I love that little girl too. You tell her Laura's Will better always be a Good Will!