Friday, February 15, 2008

Guilty Pleasure

I know this is probably going to sound really lame but since moving into the apartment my most frequent guilty pleasure has been HGTV. This is the first time since Jeremy and I were married that we've had more than 20 cable channels and we are diving into it. Everyday I have on HGTV, even if it's just background noise, but for the past week it won't come in. What's up with that? Is anyone else having this problem?


Anonymous said...

No, but if that ever happened to Food Network at my house, I would flip out. That channel is always on in our home in one room or another. Sorry about that, are you ready to move yet?? i wanna come see the progress you have made. As I am typing this, Em just said I wanna watch Food Network!! haha!!

Audrey said...

My name is Audrey and I'm addicted to "House Hunters" and "Homes Across America".

Audrey said...

and where are you moving to? (you can email me if you want)

Brea said...

it is coming in at my house, but does some funky stuff sometimes.

By the way, I just found out a friend of mine that is a realtor might be doing some stuff with House Hunters!!! TOO COOL!