Tuesday, October 16, 2007

For moms only!!!!

Here's your laugh for the day....


Anonymous said...

not a mom, but I loved it. Got a great laugh!

Miriam Naomi Brant said...

I just read your earlier blog on needing help in the "trenches". I have a GREAT whining solution. It works on both my 6 year old and my husband. Ok...maybe not the husband part...just thought I'd make you smile. :)

Call me!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

I laughed so long and hard over this video! Thanks for posting it Sarah!

Anonymous said...

WHAT"S WRONG WITH ME??? i didn't laugh, cute video, why didn't I laugh?? Can I blame it on hormones?
I have had days like that , where I feel that's all I said. Where are you finding these things??

Rachel :O) said...

i absolutely LOVE anita renfroe! she's abso-stinkin-lutely hilarious! :O)

Anonymous said...

This is the gayest video I have ever seen.....

Audrey said...

hey sarah! i'm just checking out your blog for the first time :-) it's great!