Sunday, May 11, 2008

Harrison Dean

Yes I went yesterday to have pictures taken but let me explain. I think that the price they charge you in the hospital for pictures is outrageous and I refuse to pay it. So just as we did with Carleigh, once we get home I make an appointment at Portrait Innovations who are very reasonable, I can get all the kids pictures taken at once, and I get them back in about 20 minutes....and did I mention they just opened a location in Hendersonville? Anyway here are just a few of the shots of our newest addition~

And his big sisters who are IN LOVE with him!


Susan said...

Oh! He's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

How precious! He is adorable. I LOVE the one of the girls kissing him!

Julie said...

what a doll!! his sister's are going to take good care of him!

The O'Neal's said...

He is so cute!! Congratulations. What an awesome Mother's Day present.

Anonymous said...

Wow, he is a big boy! He looks like he is three months in one of the shots. He is so alert and handsome. Ya'll make beautiful kids. Happy Mother's day!

Brea said...

He is SO cute! I can't wait to come visit and get my hands on him!

I, too, LOVE the pic of the girls kissing him. Hope you are doing great!

Love you, Brea

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Sarah...

He's so precious!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh these pics are great! Harrison looks like his daddy!! You guys are truly blessed with beautiful healthy children.. love ya- Sandy